Don’t wait until an emergency occurs to figure out what you’ll need to do. Familiarize yourself now with the available resources and community procedures so that you’ll be able to react quickly and effectively.
What to Expect in an Emergency in Dillon Beach
In addition to the damage an earthquake or other disaster can inflict on your house and immediate surroundings, there is a high likelihood that Dillon Beach will be cut off from Tomales and beyond.
The single road that leads to Dillon Beach may be impassable. There are emergency overland routes through farms that may be accessible by off-road vehicles.
The fire department and sheriff’s department may not appear for several days. There will be extreme demands on their time and resources and their access to Dillon Beach will be affected by the same road issues that will impact us all.
Telephone service may be lost. Even if the phones are operating, they will be severely taxed.
Designate an out-of-area contact person for your family to call. Not only does that increase the likelihood that you’ll have a contact who won’t be affected by the emergency, but it will ensure that your call uses only one local line rather than two.
Remember that text messages don’t require as much in the way of electronic resources as voice messages do. You may be able to text when nothing else is working.
Electric power may be off for many days. Also, there may be downed power lines in the Village. Don’t touch them under any circumstances.
Either or both of the local water companies may be shut down.
There may be breaks in sewer lines.
Emergency Numbers
For most emergencies, call: 9-1-1
In Marin County, if 9-1-1 is overloaded, call: 415-472-0911
More area emergency numbers:
What to Do in an Emergency: First Steps
In the event of an earthquake causing significant damage or similar emergency, report to your assigned Emergency Shed (see below). But before leaving your house, there are four things you need to do:
Check yourself and others in your household for physical well-being and perform necessary first aid to your ability.
Check your house for structural problems and for gas and water leaks. Turn off utilities if leaks are found.
If you need help, place the “HELP” sign from your Emergency Instructions packet in a front window or other location where it can be seen from the street. If you do not have the sign, improvise one by writing "HELP" in large legible letters on a piece of paper.
Keep in mind that, if the emergency is widespread, calling 9-1-1 may not be an option.If you don’t need help, place the “OK” sign from your Emergency Instructions packet in your front window. If you do not have the sign, improvise one one by writing "OK" in large legible letters on a piece of paper. Then, proceed to your assigned Emergency Shed so that you can assist neighbors who need help.
Separated Families
Refer to your a Family Contact Plan, if you have made one.
It takes just 5 minutes (or less) to agree on a location a safe distance from your home and a schedule for meeting there. For example, you could agree to meet at your assigned Emergency Shed at the top of every hour.
DBERT maintains five emergency sheds with materials and equipment that will be useful to the community in case of an emergency. The sheds also serve as gathering places. Dillon Beach residents, short and long term renters and their guests, and also campers and day-use visitors are assigned to the sheds according to location. See Find Your Emergency Shed (below).
When such an emergency occurs each shed will be opened by a DBERT volunteer.
DBERT also maintains a trailer with emergency medical equipment. That trailer will be positioned in the community at the direction of and staffed by residents with medical training.
DBERT managers will organize people and resources at strategically-placed Emergency Sheds. Two are in the Village and three are in Oceana Marin. Please go to the shed assigned to you according to location, as described below.
FOR THE VILLAGE (including Day-Use Visitors), PORTOLA BEACH, AND THE LANDING (including campers)
Go to the shed to which you are assigned as follows:
Beach Avenue - behind the small building directly across the street from the store parking lot
Occupants of the tiny houses and day beach users
21 Summer Street - at the back of the lot
All addresses in the village
The Landing - take the turn-off closest to the entrance and go up the slight hill to the east
All campers and others at The Landing
All addresses on cliff Street south of the day beach
All addresses on Bay Drive
In Oceana Marin, there are three sheds and people are assigned to them according to their street address. The Tahiti Shed is in the cul-de-sac adjacent to the sewage pumping station; the Mid-Oceana shed is on the ocean side of Oceana Drive between Maui and Kona; and the Waikiki Shed on Oceana Drive directly across from the intersection with Waikiki.
Go to the shed to which you are assigned by address below:
Tahiti Shed – in the cul-de-sac adjacent to the sewage pumping station.
Tahiti Way – all addresses
Lanai Way – all addresses
Kailua Way – all addresses
Oceana Drive – entrance through 360, except for 325, 345, and 365
Mid-Oceana Shed – on the ocean side of Oceana Drive between Maui and Kona.
Oceana Drive – 325, 345, 365, and 380 through 511
Kameha Way – all addresses
Maui Way – all addresses
Kona Lane – all addresses
Waikiki Shed – on Oceana Drive directly across from the intersection with Waikiki
Oceana Drive – 516 through 591
Waikiki Lane – all addresses
A printable version of this list is available in the Emergency Instructions packet.